Monday, October 29, 2012

Safe From Sandy

Hurricane Sandy will have major impacts on the A.T. particularly in the Mid-Atlantic and Southern New England states. If you had planned to hike this week, postpone your plans. If you are hiking now, leave the Trail and seek shelter in a sound structure. Use extreme caution during and following the storm. Impacts from flooding and tree damage from high winds are likely to be extensive. Small stream crossings will become extremely hazardous with rainfall exceeding 12-inches in some locations. Emergency response may be delayed or nonexistent due to heavily taxed resources and access issues. Cell and electronic communications may not be available for an extended period. In some areas of the Trail, users should be prepared for the potential of snow accumulation that could hinder foot travel and hasten the threat for hypothermia or frostbite. For the most up-to-date information visit

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North Carolina NCCAT participants

North Carolina NCCAT participants
At the Wayah Bald Fire Tower

Mary Jane

Mary Jane
On top of Silers Bald