Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Hi all,
Pam and I nearly ran into a bit of trouble with our program. Two days before school started, an administrator informed Pam that her schedule was being changed and she would no longer be team teaching with me. We were both really fired up and went straight to the prinicipal, who, initially, was in agreement with the other administrator's decision. Pam and I fought hard, however, and in the end, we were allowed to continue with our plan. So, this Friday is the first of our Thank Goodness (we were careful to avoid the word "God") It's Appalachian Trail Friday (TGIATF). Pam has done a great job getting the stuff lined up and Rita has been a great resource. I'm really looking forward to seeing how our students will respond to our efforts.
Good luck with your school years.

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North Carolina NCCAT participants

North Carolina NCCAT participants
At the Wayah Bald Fire Tower

Mary Jane

Mary Jane
On top of Silers Bald