Thursday, July 23, 2015

TTEC Spring Regional Workshop at Mt. Lake Lodge

John Alexander
Fries School
Fries, VA
TTEC 2015 Cohort

The TTEC Spring Regional Workshop at Mt. Lake Lodge returned me to a place I had not seen since the 1970s. The lake is possibly on some 500 year cycle of emptying and then refilling, but the trails around it were as I remembered.

While hiking the lake trail we ran into a group of mountain bikers trying to navigate a very difficult section. It seemed to me that what we were doing, hiking, was more fun.

Our excursion to the AT and demo of trail games, trail etiquette, and other discussions made for another fun day. 

The presentation by the teachers from Giles was excellent. The work their students did on the trail gave me many ideas. 

Our current budget year will have no money for field trips so, we will look at some grant writing opportunities to get the students involved.

Looking forward to the summer program and to looking at ways I can use the AT and other trails in the classroom.

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